07931 138802
29 The Tynings, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7YP
07931 138802
29 The Tynings, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7YP
estate agents

Reporting a maintenance issue

If you are a tenant of one of our managed properties and a maintenance issue arises during office hours, Monday – Saturday, 8am – 6pm, please ensure you report this via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In addition, if a maintenance emergency occurs during office hours, please call 07931138802.

Out of hours maintenance emergencies

Sometimes maintenance emergencies may arise when our offices are closed.

  • In your moving in pack you will find the emergency contact details of our recognised plumber, electrician and locksmith.
  • These contractors are only to be contacted if our office is closed and in an emergency.
  • If you instruct any of these contractors to carry out work independently or not in an emergency you may be liable for the associated costs. For example, if you have locked yourself out and called the locksmith out of hours, you would be responsible for settling the invoice.